From Breakthroughs to Surprises: Self StartHER’s First Guest Reveals Her Business Journey 2 Years Later!



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Self StartHER celebrates its two year anniversary by bring back its very first guest, Jax Hurst to reflect on her journey over the past two years. 

Jacqueline “Jax” Hurst is an Entrepreneur, Intuitive Guide, Yoga Teacher, and Spiritual Life Coach who believes in the power of living an authentic soul-led life. Her mission is to inspire and motivate women to (re)discover their true authentic selves through movement, breath, and expression.  

In this conversation, she shares the challenges and growth that come with entrepreneurship, the importance of healing and self-discovery, and the power of community. 

Jacqueline shares her experiences with fear, confidence, and the spiritual journey that led her to create ‘The Invitation,’ a space for connection and personal growth.

Key Takeaways:

  • Getting started is often the hardest part of entrepreneurship.
  • Failure is a learning opportunity, not a dead end.
  • Surrounding yourself with supportive people is crucial.
  • Healing is a necessary part of personal and professional growth.
  • You can do hard things, even when afraid.
  • Finding peace within yourself is a journey.
  • Community is essential for entrepreneurs.
  • It’s okay to ask for help and not do it all alone.
  • Your past experiences shape your current purpose.
  • Embrace your unique business journey and trust the process.

Connect with Jax and learn more: 

Follow Jax on Instagram  

Follow her virtual studio + podcast on Instagram for inspirational content and transformational opportunities. 

1:1 Intuitive Guidance

Virtual Studio Schedule

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Megan Tobler (00:43.158)
Well, Jax, so a huge theme that a lot of my listeners talk about is that how your business starts. doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to stay that way. It can, and it will evolve. So being that two years ago, you shared your wonderful story. thought what a perfect time to bring you back on to be able to share what’s changed in these last two years. So for those people that may not be familiar with you, let’s go ahead and just

reintroduce yourself and tell everyone all about the awesomeness that you are.

Jacqueline Hurst (01:16.731)
Yeah, thank you so much for having me back Megan. You’re right. It’s such a full circle moment Being able to see how far you’ve come in this podcast and so thank you so much for inviting you back on to celebrate all of your successes But also just having the wonderful opportunity to reflect back on how far I have come to especially as a business as well But hey y ‘all for everyone who’s listening or even watching my name is Jax and I am a yoga teacher intuitive guide and spiritual life coach

And my business is called The Invitation by Jocks. just reflecting on how far I’ve come, honestly started with just classes where there was like yoga, movement, or any type of like life coaching sessions, and then it evolved to intuitive energy readings. And to be quite honest, as a female entrepreneur, it’s like, I currently still offer group classes, whether in person or virtually.

And then I also still offer the intuitive coaching, whether it’s in person, virtually in the energy ratings as well. But what has changed the most is my confidence and myself and just remembering of my soul’s purpose and why I was put on this earth. Because over three years ago when I was in meditation and had the vision of what the invitation was going to be.

I tried to take action on it right away and immediately make the changes and try to do everything all at once. And to be quite honest, I kind of failed. Like, me, I failed so hard. And what came to light was I still had so much healing that I needed to do on like a human level to almost clear some energy out to be able to believe in myself at this business of mine. But really, it’s just like this soul.

project that I wanted to work on is something that I had to heal from first in order to continue to move forward with it because when I tell y ‘all I was gonna quit like so many times I ended up going to work for a completely different company a yoga studio and for about a year and a half I just put my business on the side and I helped revamp this yoga studio in Covington, Louisiana and it was pretty awesome. I basically upped

Jacqueline Hurst (03:33.355)
their growth by 200 % in only one year, which is pretty awesome. Like they’re about to shut down because they just weren’t doing well, but I had experience in yoga studios. And so I was going through a really, really tough time in my personal life that I just decided to, put my business on hold and focus on theirs. And then once I did everything I got hired on to do as a consultant, I was like, okay, now what?

And of course in meditations and connections with other people, it’s just my vision of the invitation kept coming through. So the invitation is basically a place for you to come to feel seen, heard and welcomed to be your true authentic self through movement, breath and expression. So we have everything to a virtual studio where you’re coming in to take movement classes or even educational workshops to learn more about your mind, your body and your spirit.

And then also a podcast, is in the works as well. did one season and now I’m in the backlog of just recording all these podcasts before I put it out there. But I have just a goal similar to you, Megan, of sharing people’s stories of where they’re at, what their mental health was like, what their spiritual journey was like, and the tools and practices that got them to where they are today. So yeah, it’s pretty wild.

Megan Tobler (04:48.741)
but wild in the best way possible. And you mentioned that you failed. And I think that’s something that all of us really need to kind of, what’s the word? We need to really kind of recognize right now that entrepreneurship is not always like the glitz and the glamour. Like there are definitely hard seasons, but I would actually argue that you didn’t fail because failure would have been to just say, to just say that, know what?

Jacqueline Hurst (05:11.817)
Megan Tobler (05:17.152)
It’s not working. Even though I feel called to do this, I’m just gonna peace out and call today. Like I’ll go back if that’s what I wanted to do. But you didn’t, you kept pursuing and going forward and that is a success in my book. Like you are just such an inspiration. But I’m curious in your eyes, why you say that you failed.

Jacqueline Hurst (05:43.229)
So great question. First off, yeah, entrepreneurship is definitely not for the faint of heart. That’s for sure. So any of you entrepreneurs out there who want to be an entrepreneur know that it like it takes grit, takes courage, takes strength, vulnerability and being extremely humble. But why I think I failed? Well, you know, I guess I should retrace my words on that because I feel like failure is always a learning lesson. Failure is always an opportunity from

for growth and an understanding of like, what was for you, what’s not for you, what works well, what didn’t work well. And as far as failure, it’s more of like, okay, going back of how would I do things differently? So like before I had this vision, this like massive idea of what I wanted the invitation to be, and I tried to make it happen right away. And when it didn’t happen, and it didn’t grow, like I wanted it to, I lost so much faith and so much

I guess, passion and drive behind the project in general that I just kind of let it simmer out. And looking back to it, I’m like, OK, if I would have just like set up and made a plan for myself, like an actual business plan of like a trajectory of like where I wanted this business to go in months and years or whatever, I feel like I would probably be exactly what I am where I visualized. But since I just.

hit the ground running and kind of just was figuring out as I went, had to go back so many times, back and back and back and just start all over. Like I started over so, so many times. So I guess that would be my definition of failure.

Megan Tobler (07:23.468)
Yeah, so in my, in my eyes, you were failing forward because you were learning new things that are in another way, propelling you forward in other directions. So it, I think it’s kind of beautiful. Honestly, I know that that might not be a popular opinion over here, but, the biggest thing that I’m taking away is that you were just so ambitious that you wanted to do everything at once. And instead, like it was probably a lesson that you needed to break it down into more bite size attainable pieces.

to be able to slowly implement things as you went instead of trying to do everything all at once because there’s only one of you to go around and you and I came from corporate. For those people that aren’t familiar with your story, we worked together at one of our previous corporate jobs and there are people that specialize in different aspects of corporate. You become an entrepreneur and you’re responsible for everything when you’re a solopreneur. So that alone is a huge learning curve because you’re not just

Jacqueline Hurst (08:17.515)
Mm -hmm.

Megan Tobler (08:22.186)
You’re not just teaching the classes, you are running all of the IT on the back end. You’re setting up your website, you’re troubleshooting everything. You’re the marketing, you’re the social, you’re the finance person, like literally everything. So it’s very overwhelming at the very beginning, but you kept going. And I think that’s the biggest thing that I want to share today is that yes, you might’ve had some kind of quote unquote failures along the way, but it didn’t stop you. You had a passion and a drive.

and you continued. So I have to give you huge kudos and a huge shout out for that.

Jacqueline Hurst (08:56.675)
Thank you. Yeah. for everyone who’s listening to it’s also a gentle reminder of like, when you become an entrepreneur, yes, you’re doing it all. But you don’t have to do it all by yourself. Like you can definitely call upon your friends call upon your family members. And it’s like, okay, you won’t be able to necessarily pay them right now, potentially, unless you got like a loan or whatever someone to give you some backing.

But you could still get help and support from so many people around you that have that knowledge too. And I feel like with me, I was trying to do it all alone. And when I couldn’t figure it out, like right then and there, I was just like, I can’t do this. And it’s like, okay, well, this is different. Like our job at our past company was like sales and recruiting, like in project management. wasn’t.

running a social media campaign. wasn’t keeping track of the finances. It wasn’t building out a website. We’ve literally had to figure it out how to do it all on our own in a cost effective way too. So yeah, you’re right. Thank you so much for that reflection.

Megan Tobler (10:00.034)
Well, and to your point too, I think there’s a lot of value in being able to ask for help and to outsource when you can. But to your point too, at the very beginning, most of us don’t have the cashflow to be able to invest in things like this. So that’s when you do turn to the people in your inner circle, or maybe you leverage like a virtual assistant of some sort. That’s a little bit more in your price range. But like you said, you shouldn’t have to do it alone. But a lot of us do it alone, but it doesn’t.

Jacqueline Hurst (10:10.886)
Mm -hmm.

Megan Tobler (10:28.662)
I think that’s a good reminder that we don’t need to do it this way. Like that’s what I like about this podcast that we’ve been able to create over the last two years is that it’s connected so many women with different resources. And I think that’s a good reminder that yes, you might be starting a business by yourself, but you don’t have to do everything by yourself. You still have a community of other women in this scenario who just have your back.

Jacqueline Hurst (10:31.603)
Mm -hmm.

Megan Tobler (10:55.67)
And they’re going through similar struggles too. And I think that’s always a good thing to know that someone else is kind of like linking arms with you and doing it at the same time.

Jacqueline Hurst (11:03.817)
Yeah, check in your entrepreneur friends. Make sure they’re doing okay, ‘all.

Megan Tobler (11:10.238)
Absolutely. That should be like a little meme or video that we do here. Now, you even also alluded to the fact that you needed to heal yourself. So let’s talk about kind of that journey that you went on because I know when we originally recorded, you were in the process of a three month spiritual journey where you didn’t have a home, you were in your car and you were making money on the road. So I’m curious like how that particular experience went and obviously like

Jacqueline Hurst (11:14.741)
Jacqueline Hurst (11:20.436)

Jacqueline Hurst (11:34.059)
Thank you.

Megan Tobler (11:39.906)
the result of that.

Jacqueline Hurst (11:41.733)
my goodness. I literally just got back from another one, by the way. I don’t know if you saw that. Yeah. Okay. Let me, let me sit with my, my thoughts on this one. There’s so much to say about that. Cause originally I remember that first one. It was like my soul was calling me to just go in this traveling spiritual pilgrimage and it was just allowing my intuition of my soul to just guide me at where I was going. And I honestly had no idea like what in the heck.

I was just listening to my soul’s calling. And I believe, what was that? Three? That was two years ago or three years ago? Was that 2021 or 2022? 2022? 2022. I was thinking it was 2021. I think that’s when it started. The ball was rolling and I knew it was coming. my faith, my spiritual side of myself was…

Megan Tobler (12:21.944)

Jacqueline Hurst (12:39.157)
for lack of a better term, so like, was it activated? Like I wasn’t connected with God. I wasn’t really connected with source and divine, whatever you want to call it. And I feel like that’s what that journey was about was reconnecting myself and understanding that we are so much more than our human bodies. We are, I believe now we’re all spiritual beings living in human experience. And there is this source higher than us that is divinely orchestrating what we’re doing on this earth, right?

And so I feel like that’s what that journey was about is understanding that I am divinely guided. I am supported. There are spiritual beings in God and this higher power source that’s supporting us on the other side. We can’t necessarily see their help and support, but that’s definitely what that journey was about. In this previous journey, I realized that I was repeating the same pattern.

over and over and over again since childhood of running away. Running away when things got tough, running away when things got very uncomfortable because I feel like I never really felt safe as a child to be my truest authentic self. And I always felt insecure when I wasn’t invited to go and do things. And so now

it’s all coming into a full circle moment once again. And the whole reason why I decided to build and start the invitation is because I wanted people to be invited to show up as their authentic weird selves and also to come into community with other people. And remembering that like, we can’t do this life alone. I mean, you, you can, but it’s going to be a lot harder. And so when I was traveling by myself going,

to all these amazing places in Southwest United States, I was by myself and I was lonely. And I just started dating this amazing man. And I’m like, what am I doing? Like, I wanna be with you, but here I am just like out in the middle of nowhere. And so that was the biggest learning of like, I can’t do it alone. And I needed to break through this hyper independence past pattern of retreating into myself anytime things got.

Jacqueline Hurst (14:52.373)
challenging or things got difficult or I never felt safe to really express my emotions.

Megan Tobler (14:57.346)
So when you are on this journey and you are kind of tapping into that like divine energy and you’re really understanding where you’re being guided, actually you said it so beautifully and you said when I was in like my younger years and I wasn’t invited places, like that’s where like obviously like your self -confidence like takes a dip a little bit. And I liked that you use that analogy because

Jacqueline Hurst (15:21.973)

Megan Tobler (15:25.78)
your company name is now the invitation. And I think that is really beautiful. I never put two and two together until that moment. And now it makes so much more sense as to like the inclusiveness, like it obviously the invitation applies something, but hearing it from your voice and how it personally is a result of things that happened in your childhood, like, Ooh, that’s good.

Jacqueline Hurst (15:46.929)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm. Yeah, yeah, and to take it even deeper, have you ever heard of human design before?

Megan Tobler (15:54.61)
of it, but I don’t know much about it. So feel free to dive into it.

Jacqueline Hurst (15:56.629)
Okay. Well, I won’t get, I won’t get too deep into it. The human design, like everybody has their specific design and there’s I believe five different types and it honestly look it up, take a human design quiz if you’re listening or even Megan, but knowing your human design totally validates you of who you are and how you show up in the world and your energy of how it’s best utilized. Well, I didn’t find out until after

I had created the invitation that my human design is a projector, because there’s a projector, reflector, manifestor, and I think there’s two other, but I’m blacking out. But with projectors, we need to be invited in order to share our gifts and our abilities with the world. we’re really talented with sharing our perspective, like going in, tuning into someone’s energy and be able to like help them see a completely different perspective by taking the bird’s eye view out.

by tuning into their aura essentially. And so that’s a big thing with projectors. Like we sometimes get stuck in doing, doing, doing, and try to do things before we’re actually invited when really we just need to be still and wait for the invitation.

Megan Tobler (17:09.304)
So good. Well, and you’re not waiting anymore because you’ve taken control of it and you are now inviting others. So let’s talk about what the invitation is today.

Jacqueline Hurst (17:10.581)
ties in even more, which is awesome.

Jacqueline Hurst (17:23.287)
Yeah, absolutely. So I was mentioning a few moments ago that part of the invitation is a virtual space because me a traveler, I also love to connect with other soulpreneurs, other people that don’t necessarily have a community around them, specifically yoga. And what I also wanted to cater to people that like work from home, but still want to move their body, they still want to feel good, they still want to connect their mind, their body and their spirit. So I created the invitations virtual studio, which is a place where

you can come to move, breathe and express yourself in union with other women or just other human beings in general. They’re specifically women right now, but of course men you’re invited to come and move your body and breathe with us. But right now for the next six months, we are focusing on discovering your soul’s purpose while moving through the chakras. And so the chakras are your subtle energy body.

which helps you understand your physical body a little bit more to be able to gain access to understanding of like why you’re feeling a certain way, why you may be experiencing a stomach ache or a neck ache. So yeah, we’re offering classes Monday through Friday, 630 a Central time for right now. After six months, we’ll be adding more class times. And bi -weekly, 6 p on Wednesday night, we offer educational workshops to help you learn more about your chakra system, your subtle energy body that’s

made up of seven major chakras energy centers. And the other workshop is also a self -guided journaling experience too. So I’ll guide you through a journaling experience to help you understand yourself a little bit more for you to rediscover your soul’s purpose. You can start taking steps and moving into the right direction of living in alignment with your purpose.

Megan Tobler (19:12.184)
Now because these are a six month, this is a six month experience. Is this something that someone can tap into at any point or do they need to join at a certain point?

Jacqueline Hurst (19:20.459)
Yes, yes, absolutely. They can join in at any point. It’s a monthly membership. You can also drop in for just a class. So if you just wanted to take a breath work class, you’re more than welcome to do that. If you just wanted to take a yoga class, you’re welcome to do that or even the workshops. But currently, right now, before we up our prices is only $89 per month. That’s four classes a week and then also includes those two educational workshops.

and self -reflection, and you also get the support of an online community that you can access from wherever, and intuitive guidance and support from me and also one of my other main practitioners and women who I’m doing this with, Caitlin Sainé. She’s an Ayurvedic nutritionist and yoga teacher, and so she’s really really experienced with helping women specifically understand more of their hormones and what foods they should eat based on the seasons and based on their body types.

Megan Tobler (20:12.492)
Jax, this is just, it makes my heart and soul so happy because like watching you, obviously people can’t see you right now, but you are so at peace with what is in your life and you’re so happy. And I know that obviously when we spoke a couple years ago, you were on this journey of self discovery and just to see what you’ve been able to create within these last two years is so amazing because again, you didn’t fail.

you succeeded because you kept going and you kept really tapping in to where you were being divinely guided. And you had mentioned that the invitation just kept coming back to you and kept coming back to you. Literally your guides were inviting you to start something like this and look at what you’ve done.

Jacqueline Hurst (21:01.131)
Thank you. that just gave me chills. Thank you so much.

Megan Tobler (21:03.906)
So incredible. now you’re able to help so many women, obviously men you’re included too, but right now it’s women, to be able to kind of go through the same similar experience where they’re really tapping into, like you said, their chakras and their just whole wellbeing in general here. But I do want to touch on something that you said in the last episode because back then you were touching on your fears and a lot of women are afraid to get started because

Jacqueline Hurst (21:20.137)
Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Megan Tobler (21:33.762)
There are similar fears that we all have. And you said a few of them were, I going to be good enough? Am I going to be able to support the life that I want to live? And what will people think? And those all stood out to me because they are, like I said, they are common fears that we all have, but they’re holding us back. But you didn’t let it hold you back. Look at what you’ve done. So for those people listening that are thinking, okay,

It sounds easier said than done. How did you get through those fears throughout the cell experience? Because it’s not easy.

Jacqueline Hurst (22:09.833)
Hmm. Yeah, I mean, those are still fears, by the way. I call those my mountains, my demons, my darkness per se, but I still handle them in different ways. But biggest advice would be surround yourself by people who are your biggest fans and want you.

to succeed. I’m just getting emotional just thinking about this because the people in my life are honestly probably the only reason why I made it this far. It’s like even though I was helping them and supporting them on their journey, they were also doing the same thing for me and vice versa. And they would call me out. They were like, Jack, the only person stopping you is you, you know, but also the biggest thing is working through those blocks. Like I had so many blocks that I needed to work through. And so

I honestly dove deep in so many different healing modalities. Obviously yoga is the biggest one, but breakthrough breath work was a really big healing modality for me because there’s different types of breath work, but breakthrough breath work was huge. If y ‘all have any questions about that, just reach out to me. can connect y ‘all to some amazing practitioners, but also other healing modalities like sauna, cold plunges, talk about getting over fear. I used to be…

like definitely afraid of cold water. And so I started learning about the benefits of what cold plunges can do for you. So I got over fear of water and just cold water in general, which helps me get over fears in different ways. So that was a huge one as well. And just doing the things that bring me joy, bring me happiness, whether it’s going outside for a walk, whether it’s dancing in my living room, in my bedroom, just cuddling with my dog. So it’s just really giving yourself permission to do the things that light you up that make you feel good.

but also doing the things that challenge you outside of what you’re trying to do so you can prove to yourself that you can get over fear to give you that like endorphin boost of like, okay, I can do hard things. know, Brene Brown is such a beautiful reminder of you can do hard things. Is it Brene Brown or?

Megan Tobler (24:25.143)
I believe so.

Jacqueline Hurst (24:26.559)
Brené Brown or Glennon Doyle, one of those. They’re two women whose books I’ve read and who I’ve been following and they’ve definitely helped me get over a lot of stuff too.

Megan Tobler (24:37.026)
Well, and it’s almost like you’re not getting over fear. You’re working through your fear. Cause like you said, like I still have those same fears today, but the difference between the person that goes for it the person that don’t that doesn’t is just working through it. Cause it, the four they’re never going to go away. Yeah, exactly. Now, despite all these fears, you have just like completely

Jacqueline Hurst (24:42.016)

Jacqueline Hurst (24:54.493)
Yeah, doing it scared anyway. Yeah.

Megan Tobler (25:05.548)
had this most amazing two years and just have built this thriving business and community. So I have to ask, like, what was your highlight moment within the last two years since we last connected?

Jacqueline Hurst (25:18.485)
Ooh, that question just gave me chills. You’re giving me chills left and right. Highlight moment in the past year. It’s like anything specifically or just like in general.

Megan Tobler (25:30.17)
anything. Like this is, this is about you.

Jacqueline Hurst (25:32.299)

Jacqueline Hurst (25:38.079)

feel like so much has happened in two years that it feels like two lifetimes have passed, honestly. I feel like I’ve just been going so quickly, which is definitely a reminder to slow down.

Jacqueline Hurst (25:57.053)
my gosh, why is this so hard to answer?

Megan Tobler (25:59.33)
Well, and we’ll go ahead and cut some of this too. So that way it sounds like you just.

Jacqueline Hurst (26:04.719)
So fast. Can you ask it in a different way? Maybe that’ll help me answer it.

Megan Tobler (26:13.579)

Now you have been able to really work through all these fears and the result of that has been really rewarding. But I am curious throughout this journey that you’ve been on where you’ve been kind of working through the fears, working through like, or going through the spiritual journey and working on healing yourself. Like, has there been any specific highlight moment that you kind of constantly go back to when times are tough?

Jacqueline Hurst (26:49.013)

Jacqueline Hurst (26:53.931)
Yes, this is also super, super open and vulnerable, but it is technically out there in the public already. It’s something that I don’t even think you know, you probably do know, but in between like my spiritual pilgrimage and like starting my business and when I like fell off and put my business on hold, I actually went through a miscarriage and

I’m not sharing this for like, woe is me. Yes, it was very sad. was one of the most heart wrenching times of my life. But I don’t know whoever’s listening believes in spirit babies and believes in the spirit of the baby that you lost in this earth realm. But I named her Isabella and she honestly was the biggest person or being or spiritual, whatever you want to call her.

to get me to where I am in today. She was the one that kept catapulting me forward, telling me, hey, believe in yourself. You are valuable. Actually do what you’ve been put on this earth to do. so reflecting back, it’s like, was it a highlight? I mean, I don’t know if it was a highlight, but it was definitely a big learning moment. It was a big shift of my healing journey and my change because the miscarriage made me realize that I was treating myself

so poorly and how I was speaking to myself just wasn’t conducive to where I wanted to go in the future. So yeah.

Megan Tobler (28:31.416)
Well, first of all, I did not know. So I’m sending you the biggest hug right now virtually. Cause I can imagine that would have been a horrible, difficult thing to go through in the moment. But to your point where you were looking at it on a positive level, does, I believe that sometimes things are like presented to you for a certain reason. And obviously I don’t think that maybe she was meant to not be physically here on this earth, but maybe she was brought.

here for a reason and she was got she’s now guiding you and I believe that I believe in like some sort of higher power. I don’t know exactly always what it is, but she is definitely meant for you.

Jacqueline Hurst (29:04.725)
Mm -hmm.

Jacqueline Hurst (29:12.863)

absolutely. mean, I fully, fully believe it. Like she’ll pop in at the most random times and be like, Hey mom, like I’m here. Remember I’m here. So that’s a whole nother episode. I actually am on another podcast talking about my miscarried story. So if y ‘all are interested in that, y ‘all can just reach out to me. But, yeah, it’s wild how, yes, it was one of the most heart wrenching times in my life, but it was also one of the best things that could ever happen to me because it completely shifted my life.

For the better.

Megan Tobler (29:47.426)
So how, kind of summing up this entire conversation, like how would you say that your life is better today than it was potentially a couple of years ago?

Jacqueline Hurst (29:56.043)

Yeah, I never thought I would say this, but I’m more at peace. Yeah, I’m more at peace with where I’m at in my life. I’m more at peace with who I am, more at peace with like, the things that I want in my life are gonna happen when they’re meant to happen. And I’m now not constantly seeking external validation.

from like other people or for other people to like see my value and see my worth because I now believe it in myself. I know I’m valuable. I know I’m worthy. And I know I’m, I’ve been put on this earth for a reason. And now I’m just, you know, along for the ride And anytime I feel confused or lost or stuck, I just reconnect to my spirit team and my higher self and get them to get, take me back on track and just continue to trust the process.

Megan Tobler (30:54.744)
And that’s exactly the word that I used for you just a few minutes ago, maybe 10 minutes or so ago. And I said, you’re very much at peace. And for those people that, if you want to go back and listen to the other episode, there was great content. You had some amazing things, but your energy is so different from the first conversation to today’s conversation. The first one, it was maybe…

Jacqueline Hurst (31:03.657)

Megan Tobler (31:22.09)
maybe nervous energy. don’t know exactly what the term would be, but today maybe anxiety, but in like you were obviously it was a great conversation, but I’m just feeling the energy shift from the first conversation to today. And like I said, you, and you said it too, you’re very much at peace. You’re calm, you’re collected, you’re confident. You mentioned that at the very beginning that you found confidence in yourself and that is what is coming through today. And

Jacqueline Hurst (31:25.617)

Megan Tobler (31:52.064)
It just makes my heart so happy.

Jacqueline Hurst (31:54.219)
Aww, Megan, I love you.

Megan Tobler (31:58.968)
So I asked this last time, but I’m going to ask it again because I say this at the end of every podcast episode, but I realized that things can change in two years. So if there is a woman listening to this today that wants to get started or is early in her journey and really just needs a little bit of inspiration, what kind of advice would you give to

Jacqueline Hurst (32:21.739)

Jacqueline Hurst (32:27.155)
she’s looking for inspiration to just start. Does she know what she wants to do or is she’s looking to discover more of like what she wants to do in this life?

Megan Tobler (32:39.626)
Either one, I guess, but.

Jacqueline Hurst (32:41.002)
Either one.

Well, first off, if you feel like you don’t really know what you want to do in this lifetime, you’re still trying, if you’re still seeking to discover like what your purpose is, like what you’re super passionate about, just get curious, like allow yourself to just try a bunch of things, allow yourself to quote unquote fail and continue to fail and fail forward and see what you love, see what you dislike, see what you’re good at, see what you’re not good at. but someone that already knows what she’s meant to do.

but she’s just experiencing this block and experiencing like something that’s not gonna like, how do I say this? This is where you’re gonna have to cut off. If someone is afraid to start or afraid to fail or just needs a little bit more inspiration to take steps forward, to do that project or do that thing that she’s been wanting to do, whether it’s a business or not a business.

The advice I would give would be, again, just surround yourself with people that inspire you. Because if you are surrounding yourself with people, could be family members, could be old friends who only know that old version of you, that’s the only you that they’re going to see. So if you’re yearning to be someone completely different than you were two years ago or three years ago, just get yourself in the room with those types of individuals.

that are going to inspire you to keep moving forward and being in that energy will support you as well.

Megan Tobler (34:15.522)
Well, and I’m going to invite everyone to follow you. I’m going to put everything in the show notes, but to your point about just kind of surrounding yourself with people, you are someone that has been there. You have gone on the like the self discovery journey. You’ve tried a bunch of things. You’ve tried corporate, you’ve tried non -corporate entities as well. You’ve built a business. You’ve done it all to be able to find out like what truly brings you joy and really where you feel like you’re going to make the biggest mark.

on this world and then you’ve surrounded yourself with just amazing, amazing people. And so if people want to surround themselves with you, where can I invite them to go find you?

Jacqueline Hurst (34:56.905)
Yeah, so on Instagram is the easiest way of invitation by Jaxx. I’m currently revamping up my website, but once it’s back up, the website is going to be the invitation by Jaxx as well. I’m on TikTok as well. I’m trying to get better with posting on TikTok, but if you’re curious, if you’re in the TikTok game, you can also follow me on there. And it’s Jack Willenhurst.

There are some periods in between there, but I can just send it to Megan for you to look it up in the show notes.

Megan Tobler (35:30.892)
Wonderful. Well, Jax, thank you so much for hopping on today for the two year anniversary special to be able to share kind of what’s going on or the evolution of yourself for the last two years. Cause I know everyone sitting here is thinking about how their business is going to look in a couple of years. So it’s really nice to be able to have a conversation like this that is raw, real, unauthentic. And just to really, to really invite everyone to be able to be.

I don’t like how I said that. I don’t even remember what I was saying anymore. Well, Dax, thank you. Thank you so much for coming on and being a part of the two year anniversary special. I don’t know if you know how much this means to me, but again, I said this at the very beginning, but you saying yes to me was the very thing that I needed to be able to get started.

So I hope that someone can listen to this today and get that same inspiration that I received from you and it catapult them in the direction of their dreams. So thank you.

Jacqueline Hurst (36:38.441)
so welcome. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You’ve also inspired me as well. mean, hey, I still think of you any single time I’m like…

having trouble uploading on my podcast and I’m like, no, what would Megan say? What would Megan say?

Megan Tobler (36:55.142)
I love that I can be a acronym there. Well, thanks. Thank you.

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