10 Transferable Skills From Corporate To Entrepreneurship

Self StartHER Tips


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Founder, Self StartHER

Hi, I'm Megan


So, I hear you’re thinking about making the big leap from corporate to life as an entrepreneur (aka Self StartHER), but you’re wondering what kind of transferable skills you have… 

Your past has prepared you to become an entrepreneur

Well, guess what?! You know all those years you spent in meetings that could have been an email, working against the clock to meet a tight deadline and even navigating the good ol’ office politics…they weren’t for nothing!

I’m a firm believer that your past has prepared you for this moment and, well..the moment is finally here. 

We’ll dive into 10 transferable skills you picked up from corporate that will help you thrive as a Self StartHER (and there are still so much more!). 

Ready?! Let’s go!

1. Time Management: Your Superpower

Remember those days when you had back-to-back meetings, a pile of emails to answer, and a report due by 5 PM? You managed to get it all done (mostly), and that’s no small feat. As a Self StartHER, time management is crucial. You’ll be wearing multiple hats – marketer, salesperson, customer service rep, and more. Your ability to juggle tasks and prioritize will keep your business running smoothly.

Self StartHER Tip: Create a daily schedule or to-do list to keep yourself organized. Use apps like Trello or Asana to track your tasks and deadlines. And don’t forget to take breaks – burnout is real!

2. Communication Skills: The Key to Building Relationships

In the corporate world, you had to communicate with a variety of people – from your boss to your team, clients, and vendors. Those polished communication skills are going to be your best friend as a Self StartHER. Whether you’re pitching your business to investors, negotiating deals, or simply networking, your ability to articulate your ideas clearly and confidently will set you apart.

Self StartHER Tip: Practice your elevator pitch. You never know when you’ll need to sell your business idea in a short amount of time. And remember, listening is just as important as speaking. Building genuine relationships can open unexpected doors.

3. Problem-Solving: Your Secret Weapon

Corporate life is filled with challenges that require quick thinking and problem-solving. From dealing with difficult clients to fixing last-minute project issues, you’ve handled it all. As a Self StartHER, problems will come at you left and right. Your experience in finding solutions under pressure will help you navigate these obstacles like a pro.

Self StartHER Tip: Embrace challenges as opportunities to learn and grow. When faced with a problem, take a step back, assess the situation, and brainstorm possible solutions. Sometimes, a fresh perspective is all you need.

4. Leadership and Team Management: Building Your Dream Team

If you’ve ever led a team or managed a project, you know how to bring people together to achieve a common goal. These leadership skills are invaluable as an entrepreneur. Whether you’re hiring your first employee or collaborating with freelancers, your ability to inspire and motivate others will help you build a strong, cohesive team.

Self StartHER Tip: Lead by example. Show your team that you’re willing to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Encourage open communication and feedback. A happy team is a productive team!

5. Financial Acumen: Keeping Your Business in the Green

Budgeting, forecasting, and financial reporting – these might not have been the most exciting parts of your corporate job, but they’re essential skills for any entrepreneur. Understanding your business finances will help you make informed decisions and keep your business profitable.

Self StartHER Tip: Keep track of your expenses and revenue from day one. Use accounting software like QuickBooks or FreshBooks to manage your finances. And don’t be afraid to consult with a financial advisor if you need help.

6. Strategic Planning: Your Roadmap to Success

In the corporate world, you probably worked on creating and executing strategic plans. As a Self StartHER, having a clear vision and a roadmap to achieve your goals is crucial. Strategic planning helps you stay focused, measure progress, and adjust your course when necessary.

Self StartHER Tip: Set SMART goals – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Review and revise your plans regularly to ensure you’re on track.

7. Customer Service: Turning Clients into Raving Fans

You’ve dealt with clients in the corporate world and you know the importance of delivering excellent customer service. As a Self StartHER, building strong relationships with your customers can lead to repeat business and referrals. Treat your customers like VIPs, and they’ll become your biggest advocates.

Self StartHER Tip: Go the extra mile for your customers. Personalize your interactions, respond promptly to inquiries, and ask for feedback. Happy customers will spread the word about your business (plus, it’s free marketing!).

8. Marketing Savvy: Getting Your Brand Noticed

From crafting compelling messages to executing marketing campaigns, your corporate marketing experience will serve you well as an entrepreneur. You know how to identify your target audience, create engaging content, and measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Self StartHER Tip: Leverage social media to build your brand. Share your story, provide valuable content, and engage with your audience. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different marketing strategies to see what works best for your business.

9. Resilience: Bouncing Back Stronger

The corporate world isn’t always smooth sailing. You’ve faced setbacks, rejections, and maybe even failures (I know I sure did!). But you didn’t let them stop you. This resilience is one of the most important traits for a Self StartHER. The road to success is filled with ups and downs, and your ability to bounce back from challenges will keep you moving forward.

Self StartHER Tip: Maintain a positive mindset. Surround yourself with supportive people who believe in your vision. Celebrate your wins, no matter how small, and learn from your losses.

10. Networking: Building a Support System

Corporate life has taught you the value of networking. Those connections you made – whether they’re colleagues, clients, or mentors – are priceless. As a Self StartHER, networking can open doors to new opportunities, partnerships, and collaborations.

Self StartHER Tip: Attend industry events, join online communities, and reach out to other entrepreneurs. Building a strong support system can provide valuable insights, advice, and encouragement.

10 Transferrable Skills From Corporate To Entrepreneurship

Long story short: You’ve Got This, Self StartHER!

Transitioning from corporate life to entrepreneurship is a bold and exciting move. Remember, you have more transferrable skills than you think…Your time in corporate has more than prepared you for this moment!

So, take a deep breath, trust in your abilities, and go chase those dreams. The entrepreneurial world is waiting for you, and I have no doubt you’re going to make a huge impact!

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